Sunday, July 28, 2019

Working conditions in the uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Working conditions in the uk - Essay Example However, to qualify an unemployed person one need to have the willingness and ability to work, officially designated to be in the category of ‘working age’, actively seeking a job. Unemployment for the youth is one of those contentious political issues which are also acting as a burden for the people leading their life through it. According to international Labour Organization, around 73 million young people are still unemployed which is having a significant impact on the global economy and is literally turning into a global concern (Martin, 2014). The graph above clearly shows that the level of youth unemployment is increasing at a steady pace. The reasons for the increasing unemployment rate vary across the national context. As a result of that it is difficult to track one single cause for which the rate of youth unemployment is continuously fluctuating. In this paper, the focus will be on the youth employment level of UK and the same will be analyzed from the point of view of the government and through moral frameworks. In UK, the age bracket for qualifying as an unemployed youth it is 18-25 years. The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) found that presently the total numbers of unemployed youth in UK is around 950,000 people and it accounts to almost 23% of the total qualified youth people (Mount, 2013). One of the biggest distressing facts is that the number is too high when compared with the other nations of European Union such as Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Belgium. The high levels of youth unemployment in UK have led some of the media commentators and politicians to talk about â€Å"the lost generation† (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Work and Pensions Committee, 2012). Some of the key consequences of youth unemployment is it lowers the potential wages. Apart from that it also increases the probability of a worker experiencing unemployment during the adulthood period. Some of the industry

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